The target audience are those innovative corporate executives and professionals who want to make the most efficient business decisions with Artificial Intelligence (AI). If you are one of them, We will show you how to overtake your competitors with a new way of thinking and effective tools.
by Izabella Tüzes (ITware)
01:00 PMby Gábor Budaházy (ITware)
01:05 AMby Nándor Csirmaz (Develor)
01:35 AMby Attila Vadász (TCT)
12:30 PMby Péter Bessenyei (ITware)
2:00 PMby Izabella Tüzes (ITware)
2:30 PMfrom the Czech “robota,” for “serf labor”
1920Alan Turing proposes what will become known as the Turing test, used to determine a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior
1950John McCarthy introduces the term “artificial intelligence”
1955Frank Rosenblatt creates the perceptron, an algorithm for classifying images
1957Arthur Samuel’s checkers-playing program beats checkers whiz Robert Nealey
1962Joseph Weizenbaum creates a natural language processing program, ELIZA
1964“2001: A Space Odyssey” is released and a star named HAL is born
1968IBM’s Deep Blue computer beats chess champion Garry Kasparov
1997IBM’s Watson computer wins Jeopardy, playing against two top champions
2011Amazon introduces its virtual assistant Alexa
2014Alphabet’s DeepMind defeats a Go champion
2016AI has been added into ITware's 25 Years Strategy
2018Pilot project for Japanese market
2008EU Gateway Programme, Shinjuku, Tokyo
2011start of M2M Software development project
2012iOS, Android softwares for different sectors and conferences in Tokyo and Singapore
2013New Customer from Entertainment Industry to provide B2C applications
2014Vital Radar Sensor research project, HRTP programme, Representative office in Tokyo
2015Fleetware locatization and Action Recorder Solution for Sport Sector
2016SunBears, FXware, KOJIMORI 3G Dev, Realtime Action Recorder, Interactive Stone Catalog
2017New strategic partnership with future tech projects (LinkRay, Blockchain, Cybersecurity), SunBears Cloud Campus
2018We're honoured to have 4 amazing industry experts Gábor Budaházy, Nándor Csirmaz, Attila Vadász and Péter Bessenyei as presenters or facilitators!
We will present real case-studies and best practices from different sectors in order to give some source of inspiration to increase your productivity and strenthen the efficacy of you business.
We will provide interactive QA section in order to break the barriers connected to artificial intelligence and to answer your questions.
We provide the COVID-19 compliant opportunity to achieve more visibility for your organisation or business by setting up AI-based Time Saving solution.
Choose your favorite pass for the event.
Event is supported by easily recognisable companies and products which we use everyday.
How computers comprehend and analyze images, as with facial recognition
A type of machine-learning algorithm that is supposed to ape the neural networks of human brains, learning on their own to recognize patterns
A subset of AI, algorithms are trained on large sets of data so they can learn from those data, perform tasks, and continue learning as they go.
Software in this subset of AI can understand human language, pulling meaning from texts both spoken and written.
A test in which a human tries to figure out whether he or she is interacting with a machine or a human; if the human thinks the machine is a human, then that machine has passed the Turing test
Complex, consultancy-based AI package of ITware's Data Science Unit. Price levels, according to modules are varied between $ 1.940 and $ 2.850. Ask for details!
Budafoki ut 209,
1117 Budapest, Hungary
Time: 09:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Tel: +36 1 463 0620
Fax: +36 1 463 0621
If you have any questions about the event or topics, please contact us directly. We will respond for sure.